Merry Christmas from the Lutheran hen house. This year flew by as most seem to do when there are five chicks in a house. Everyone is growing and learning and living each day in the forgiveness so freely given to our by our Savior, Jesus Christ.
I feel as though we have been greatly blessed this year. When most people think of blessings, they think of earthly things. In a baptised child of God, we think of our forgiveness as a blessing. Everyday our sins are before our eyes and we may feel like we will never be able to accomplish the tasks before us. Our Father in heaven knows our every plea and sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to be the perfect lamb for us. Jesus was blameless, we are not. Jesus was kind, we are not. Jesus was taking care of his neighbor, we are not. Jesus was spotless, we are not.
Through our baptism we were crucified with Christ and raised from the dead. We are now the spotless lamb because Jesus Christ dwells within us, through our washing at our baptism. "He Saved us though the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by His grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life. This is a trustworthy saying." Titus 3:5-8

Here are the five chicks after the Christmas Eve service at our church tonight. As you can see Chick number 4 wears glasses now. He also broke his arm last spring. He loves math and plays games with numbers all of the time.
Chick number 5 is now THREE. She is cute, cute, cute and likes to snitch butter, look at babies, play with her sibling and ask for chocolate milk.
Chick number 2 has learned to count many, many carbs. His type 1 diabetes diagnoses came in September and our lives have been forever changed. It is just our new normal.
Chick number 3 has the best imagination in the world. She loves to play and sing and talk and change clothes and decorate and use glitter and anything else that is fun.
Chick number 1 reads and reads and reads. She also helps me a lot! She is what you would call, my right hand gal. She has begun to babysit and like the extra pocket money that she can make.

Chick numbers 3 and 5 had matching dresses this year. Thank you Nana and Papa for the cute outfits.

Enjoying their goody bags after the Christmas Eve Service.