Sunday, January 21, 2007

What can I do?

It has been a long while since I have done any serious blogging. It seems as thought my "blogging" is catching on with people in my family, and now I find myself pondering different subjects. I want to talk about them and many of the ideas in my head are still in their infant stages. Please hang in there if I fumble with me words.
One of my favorite lines from Luther's small catechism is, " I can not by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ my Lord or come to Him". It runs through my mind often and I find myself wondering "What can I do?" Well I know what I am capable of; becoming angry, frustrated, lazy and not wanting to be in my vocation. This is me, a sinner, 100%. I grumble often at doing everyday tasks such as cooking and cleaning. I need patience in dealing with my children, and I, as a sinner, have none.
But during all of this the line from Luther runs through my head. A light is ever present even through I sometimes can not see it. The Holy Spirit had called me and because of this Jesus Christ is in me and he does not grumble. So even though I can not do all of the things required of me I know that he can. His work is ever present in me even though I may not know it. He is always in me taking care of my children, cooking for my family and teaching my children how to pray. I, as a sinner, could never do those things but Christ living in me can. For this I can simply say Amen!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

spa night and snow time

Here are pictures of a fun night spa night the girls had while Birk took our oldest son to a hockey game. The girls wanted facials, a bubble bath, manicures and pedicures. I was a busy Mommy that night but my girls loved it. They even had one of my special chocolates while they were in the tub.

We also had snow in Nebraska and the kids loved. The younger two love to eat the snow. Constence made sure the she and Wyatt at the "most sparkly" snow to munch.
Here are the four children in front of the house. Excuse my mess front porch but I do not clean my porch in the winter.