Friday, January 29, 2010

Library day

Today we traveled to the Library in the big city where we live. Our little country town library does not offer much in the way of children's nonfiction, so we pay to go to the library in a larger town. The oldest chick informed me today that she has read 13 books since the new year. Can you believe that? She loves library day and always begs to go back before I am ready. We can keep books for six weeks so we usually only go there about once a month. I thought that I would give you a list of what everyone in the family is reading so here it is.

The Rooster The Lonely Way by Hermann Sasse
The Hen (me) Emma by Jane Austin or Winter Solstice by Rosemunde Pilcher
Chick 1 (12 yr) The Lord of the Ring series
Chick 2 (10yr) the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series
Chick 3 (7yr) the Little House in the Parie series

1 comment:

Caroline said...

Sounds like great reading choices! So glad to check in and see you posting again...congrats on the new baby!