Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Laundry, laundry, laundry

The Laundry Monster is back in my home. I had tamed the terrible beast this summer while we were taking a break from school. But now that school has really picked up, the beast has returned. My mornings seem to get sucked away from me. I am trying to get the children to do their chores and then we eat breakfast. After the meal is over we have devotions and catechism study. After that the days just starts to roll away and before I know it is lunch and my washer still is not humming. I need to try and make it a priority to get that machine a humming first thing in the morning. Hopefully by dinner time these piles of clothes will be tucked away in all of their little homes. Tomorrow there will be more laundry to do again.

1 comment:

Genuine Lustre said...

You and me both . . .