Friday, September 22, 2006

I took the flower quiz

div style="width:300px;_height:250px; min-height:250px; background-color:rgb(216,233,237); text-align:center;">

Which Flower are You?

You are a Lily:You are graceful, gentle, calm, and pure and perhaps a little shy (though your shyness is part of your charm). You are a very honorable person who always wants to do the right thing. Your calm attitude has a soothing effect on others.Symbolism: The lily has long been used as a symbol of majesty, honor, chastity, and purity of heart.
Take this quiz!


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I had never taken one of these quizzes before and it was fun. It is amazing how true the results are. I found it on Barb the evil genesis blog.

The sun is shining just beautifully today and I am looking forward to finishing up the school week. Tomorrow I will be gong to a introduction to the new hymnal that the LCMS is putting out. I should be a very interesting day.

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