Friday, August 17, 2007

A New Thing

I have been looking for a good way to get my workouts in while The Rooster is not at home. Many times he will have meetings or other things going on. I also wanted to find a way to workout in the mornings. This means that I need to stay close to the little chicks, I can be interrupted, and it is fairly easy. We are now in the hot days of summer and running is not easily done. I love to run in cooler weather but once it is above 85 degrees I really lose the drive to keep going. We have a near by park and I thought that I could run up through the hill in the park while the kids play. But I did not like making one of the older have to stay right by chick#4 the whole time. Then the idea of jumping rope came to me. I can even do it the morning when it is still cool out and the kids can roam and play in our back yard. I have two weeks of jumping under my belt now and I can jump for about 35 min. The first day it took all of the strength in my legs to jump for 20 minutes. It was so hard to even do 20 jumps in row without messing up. Now I am a much better rope jumper. Chick #1 is even starting to work on her jumping skills a little more. She can jump through her crossed arms! I claim that my arms are to short for that trick. I can alternate feet and do single foot jumps plus a double jump where I swing the rope around twice. Exercising is really important to me because it helps me sleep so much better. If I do not get a workout in I can be certain that I will be up at 2 in the morning and not able to fall back to sleep until about 5 AM. For the last two weeks I have been sleeping through the whole night again. It just amazes me how exercise can affect your whole body.


Marie N. said...

My treadmill is my friend, but sometimes it would be nice to have some variety. I wonder if I could jump rope for even ten minutes straight? A jump rope is a small enough investment that I just may need to get one.

The Hen (Charity) said...

I'll warn you that the first 3 min. are the worst! After that it is not to bad.

Glenda said...

I've tried jumping rope with my kids. I admit never with the goal of doing it for any length of time, merely for showing the chitlins. However, I always come away with the thought, that there is a reason I jumped rope as a kid and not after I had kids. Kwim? ;-)

Caroline said...

I can NOT believe you can jump rope for 35 minutes - you shall be called - SuperMom

Cheryl said...

Mumme Mom, I definitely know what you mean!

And Hen, ditto to what Caroline said. You're amazing!