Monday, August 20, 2007

Making a sailor blush

Chick #4 could make a sailor blush. He could cause a Grandmother to faint and a Pastor to be taken back. This seems to happen when the little guy it playing with his trucks. Have guessed? He can not say a "tr" sound yet and it comes out as a "f". Opps! I was trying to work on him saying truck today but he just got louder and louder and never really got the correct sound out. Hopefully he will grow and find the "tr" sound soon. For the moment maybe I should hide the trucks. :o)


Susan said...

We had the same problem with kids who couldn't say "or" or "ar." They could say "knife" and "spoon," but the other piece of silverware....

Cheryl said...

Oh my--should I feel guilty about laughing out loud at this?

Presbytera said...

To one of my grandchildren, I am not Gramma but Damma : )

The Hen (Charity) said...

I was trying not to laugh while I was working with him. Good thing the other kids were not around. But I am not sure if they even know *that* word.

Kim said...

I remember our ds doing that, as bad as it was it always made me laugh. Thanks for the chuckle :)

Barb the Evil Genius said...

My eldest daughter learned some sign language as a baby; she shocked her Italian great-grandmother when she made the sign for drink because she didn't do it quite right and it looked like an Italian "swear-gesture." Yeah, Italians have gestures for everything.

When my youngest daughter had her baby picture taken at the hospital, she lay there as cute as could be, one hand on her chest... with her middle finger stuck straight out.

~Kathy~ said...

Oh my! LOL! My niece used to have this same problem!

Kathy in TX from ML