Tuesday, December 14, 2010
A mother's face
My dear friend is going through something no mother should have to go through. Her son is in the hospital and he is very sick. He can open his eyes and look at her, although his eyes can not focus because of all of the medicine he is on. He does try to hold onto her hand when she places her hand in his. She looks forward to every tiny wiggle of his toes. She loves him!
Love is a feeling that you can not always see. Kicking is a verb you can see and laughing is a verb that is seen and heard. Love is little harder to see. Last night, while I was visiting the family at the hospital, I saw her look at her son. It was not a happy glance that you often see parents give their children. This was a look of determination, compassion, longing, needing and loving. I have never in my adult life seen a look like that upon a person's face.
Even though this mother loves her child so so much, her love can not save him. Our Father in heaven loves this little boy even more than his mother is able to love him. God has promised to save this child and already has. This little boy, of seven, is promised an ever lasting life in heaven. This promise was given to him when a little bit on water was sprinkled upon his forehead during his baptism. He was one day old and our Father in heaven already loved him. In all reality, God loved him at the beginning of time. God loved each one of us and that is why we were made by him. God loved us so much that his Son, Jesus Christ, shed his blood for payment of our sin. He loves us so much that he gives us His Holy Spirit that is poured out on us in our baptism. God loves us so much that he feeds us with the holy food of His Son's body and blood in Holy Communion.
These are the only gifts that matter. Who cares about the wii or ipods. The new clothes and jewelry are all junk. When it comes down to desperate times, sorrowful times and fear times, the gifts that our Father in heaven has given us are able to put a safety net under our feet. There is something outside of ourselves that has promised us life. The object of this faith is solid and will hold us safe even though the world is tumbling around us. God, our heavenly Father, looks down on us with love in his eyes and he shows mercy upon our sinful nature.
Kyrie Eleison
Saturday, November 20, 2010
All that I need
Give us this day our daily bread.
What does the mean?
God certainly gives daily bread to everyone without our prayers, even to all evil people, but we pray in this petition that God would lead us to realize this and to receive our daily bread with thanksgiving.
What is meant by daily bread?
Daily bread includes everything that has to do with the support and needs of the body. Such as food, drink, clothing, shoes, house, home, land, animals, money, goods, a devout husband or wife, devout children, devout workers, devout and faithful rulers, good government, good weather, peace, health, self-control, good reputation, good friends, faithful neighbors and the like. (Luther's small catechism)
The Lord's prayer, the perfect prayer, given to us by God's only Son Jesus Christ. It is a prayer that rolls off of our tongues with ease. We do not have to think about it. It is comfort.
Mommies set food on the table before their children to enjoy and eat. Daily Bread.
Daddies go to work and provide for their families. Daily Bread.
Clothing is received for birthday presents or from friends that have out grown them. Daily Bread.
I have a husband that loves me. Daily Bread.
We live in a country that provides us with freedom to work and learn. Daily Bread.
What if a family is struggling to receive their daily bread? Who provides these meals, housing, clothing..... God our Heavenly Father.
It is a wonder to behold this work done by God the Father through his Son Jesus Christ through people here is a sinful word. That is the church, caring and providing for the sheep and making sure their trough is full. These little sheep need a roof over their head. These little sheep need a place to lay their weary heads.
When there is a crisis with a member of the church, Christ in us provides for these people whether it be food, drink, clothing, shoes, house, home. . . . . .
God gave us one prayer and it is perfect. He provides for his sheep.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Reformation Day
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
My God, my Father in heaven, saves me from all of me. My sinful nature is in every single cell of my body. My sinful nature come out in my words, thoughts and deeds. But my heavenly Father has saved me. His Son, Jesus Christ, died for all sin. Sin from Adam and Eve until He comes again. God does not see me or my sin, He sees His perfect holy Son. Through baptism I died with Christ and rose from the dead with him. Christ is alive in me and He loves my spouse, cooks the meals, loves and cares for the children and pets the dogs head.
I try to be thankful for this but I always fall short because of sin. So for the moment I am happy that Christ in me can make this a safe and happy home for my husband and children and goofy dog.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Mother's Day
Monday, May 03, 2010
sun and dirt
I was on baby chick duty and Chick #1 also helped with this. She loves to toddle about the yard but we must keep a close eye on her so someone must be her shadow. I was able to go on a nice jog while Chick #3 had softball practice. The sun was shining beautifully so I sat and watched her practice in order to soak up some vitamin D. I may have gotten a little to much because my legs are a slight shade of pink but the sunlight does wonders for my Mommy brain.
Sunday we were able to help my Mother in law and her husband put in their vegetable garden. They have a great location for a garden with plenty of sunlight. We helped buy some of the plants so we might be able to enjoy some of the harvest. Many tomato plants were placed into the ground, so I will be canning tomatoes and salsa this summer. I guess that I should begin hunting for free canning jars.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Dressing Up Standards, Dumbing Down Schools
I am often asked if I give my children tests. My answer is always "no". I know everything that my children know. Every now and then we play the board game Smarter than a Fifth Grader. My husband will read a question and I know that Chick #2 does not know that yet but, Chick #1 read about that in such and such book. My children can read as much as they want, and there is no time limit put on it. If they want to get lost in their books until noon, I let them. They will get to their math and other subjects later. I have never made them right out a book reports because they are constantly telling me about every story they read. I do not have to test their comprehension skill because I see them being used every single day. They have a love of learning that is very beautiful. My children will spend hours looking at maps, reading in encyclopedias, listening to books on tape and discussing books with one another. They are developing a strong sense of family and a understanding about caring for one another.
This job of home educating my children is a difficult one. They are always under foot and I have to be able to answer many many questions. I have fears of messing up and not doing a proper job, but I don't think that will happen. Even though we have bad days and fighting does go on in the house. Grace is given to us. Our sins our forgiven and Christ in me will take proper care of these children.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Pass the salt please
The Rooster does so many things for me and I am so thankful for him. He saves me from things I can not handle a pile of laundry, to many dishes on my counter, my racing my mind, the children. God intended for families to work this way. A husband and wife are placed in the family to help each other and work together. He, my husband, provides for us by working every weekday so we can have a comfortable home, food, and things we need for this life. I stay home caring for children. Everyday he is free to leave our home and work. He can do this with peace, knowing that things are being taken care of at home. His children are safe and their needs are being meet by his wife.
A marriage is more than just helping one another, there must also be a respect for each other. My husband still thanks me for cooking meals, and cleaning up things. This is something that happens daily. If he needs me to help him he still always includes please in his sentience. I try to do the same with him. If I need him to help with a sick child or a very messy diaper, I try to ask nicely. Sometimes I think that this respect for one another in a marriage is disappearing in the world.
Husbands, in the world, think of their wives as nags. They blindly follow what their wives order and develop hard feels about the situation. Wives, in the world, think of their husbands as another child that they must keep under their thumb. Dealing with their husbands is a chore and never thought of as a joy. I find this has also become a standard in this era. We can find this scenario playing out in TV sitcoms and in movies. It happens in reality TV shows and right under our own noses. Once something starts to touch every aspect of our lives, it is hard to think of this as being incorrect.
As a stay at home mother I rely upon my husband for everything. There is a lot of guilt involved with this. During times when money is tight, I wish that there was some way that I could help out. I really do not have any skills that I would be able to use to make money. If I were to help, it would be in a very plain way such as working in a retail shop. We would then have to add in the cost of gas for driving to town. There would be added stress placed upon the family caused by me not being here. I do not think that the pros out weigh the cons on this issues. Right now the vocation that God, our Heavenly Father, has given me is the vocation of wife and mother. I am pretty sure that it is a full time job and for now my plate is full.
In order to help next Saturday go smoothly, we will be taking a trip to the big zoo that is close to us. The kids will love the change of pace, the exercise, and the picnic lunch. This will also be the first time that Baby Chick will be involved with the whole zoo experience. I am sure that her excitement and the change of pace will be just what we need to make it through the day without the Rooster.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Papa's lap
When we pray Our Father who are in heaven what are we saying? Another Lutheran way to say this is what does this mean?
With these words God tenderly invites us to believe that He is our true Father and that we are His true children, so that with all boldness and confidence we may ask Him and dear children ask their dear father. (Luther's Small Catechism)
A small child will confidently run up to their father and call out, "Daddy, Daddy". The father will then sweep up the child into his safe arms and comfort the child. Once when I was a teen we experienced a earth quake. At the time we were living in Germany and the quake was very tiny, but something that I had never experienced before. The quake woke up me and my sister and we were both frightened. In that moment of fright we did not call out for our mother, but for our father. I remember looking back thinking how funny it was that we called out to him without any thought, both of us at the same time. At our moment of fear we went to our father.
We have the confidence to call out to our Father in heaven the same way. In our fear, despair, joy, happiness and all other emotions we can call on God, our Father Heaven. He is our daddy in heaven, our Papa who's lap we can crawl into and find peace. He loves us, cares for us, provides for us, and forgives us. We pray to our Father because he has promised to hear us. Psalm 65:2
He has given us this perfect prayer, The Lord's Prayer, for us to pray. In this prayer we call on him, and ask him for all things. In this Lord's prayer he gives us forgiveness of our sins, and reminds us of how he provides for us.
We are poor sinful beings and have been forgiven for all of our sins, the ones we know of, the ones we are unaware of and the ones we have yet to commit. Our Father in Heaven gave us his Son to die for our sins. We have been washed clean and do not need to fear our Father. Jesus Christ, His only Son, has made it possible to approach our Father and confidently pray to him.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Light hearted
For this weekend I plan on enjoying this beautiful weather. The dog needs to be taken for a long walk and so do I. Some spring cleaning will hopefully get finished up around here. It is not really spring clean in the sense that I am washing curtains, I am simply trying to declutter things. I would like to clean out some flower gardens and find the new little plants growing under the old dead leaves. The baby chick needs to spend some time outside in the sun that will put me on shadow duty, following her around watching her discover her world is a treat.
On Monday I plan on doing some serious blogging and will stretch out my writing wings. I hope to do a little reading and I might even pick up my knitting needles. Have a great weekend.
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Water washes me
Baptism is such an amazing and beautiful thing. Very simple water is combined with God's word and you have a baptism. This simple act brings faith to a tiny baby. A faith that is stronger than any human, a faith that can persevere through many things, a faith that is not of human making. The faith is Jesus Christ's perfect faith. Our sinful lives can not trust in Christ blood to forgive our sins but His own faith, in us, can trust in him. When our heavenly Father looks at us he does not see our sins, our faults, or our ugliness. Our Heavenly Father gazes upon his perfect Son when he looks at us. We are sinless beings in God the Father's eyes.
This hymn has been playing in my head lately and I thought I would share it with you.
Baptismal waters cover me
As I approach on bended knee;
My Father's mercy here I plead,
For grievous sins of thought and deed.
I look to Christ upon the tree,
His body broken there for me;
I lay before Him all my sin,
My darkest secrets from within.
Lord, may your wounded hand impart
Your healing to my broken heart;
Your love alone can form in me
A heart that serves You joyfully.
Baptismal waters cover me;
Christ's wounded hand has set me free.
Held in my Father's strong embrace,
With joy I praise Him for His grace.
Lutheran Service Book #616
Here is a link to a Internet radio show talking about baptism.
Or if you want to read something you can go here.
If you like to buy a book about it you can go here.
Now let us all rejoice in the gift of baptism that has freely been given to us.
Monday, April 05, 2010
Love and honor each other
God has given husbands and wives a very special gift. This gift is to be loved and enjoyed inside of marriage. We are meant to have a sexual relationship with only one person. Only that person should know you in that way. I don't care what teens or young adults say. They do not know that type of love. They should not act like they do or love another person in a married way until they are married. God has given teens parents to guild teens through those horrid years. Parents need to have the strength to do their job and realize that they are still the parents. Should a teen be sleeping with his girlfriend under his parents roof? No! There, that is the answer and I said it and everyone knows that I know that it is wrong. The parent is sinning against the child by not being a parent, the child is sinning against it's parent, against their future spouse and against their girl or boyfriends future spouse. They are sinning against God and living outside of the union that he intended for husbands and wives.
Boys need to learn that they are boys unless they have the means to provide for a family. I do not know of any 16 or 17 year old that could provide housing and food for a wife and child. If you can not do that then you should not be sleeping around.
Girls need to understand what it is to take a care of a child. To care for a baby does not mean that you drop it off at the daycare center in your HS. It does not mean that you have your parents care for this child. It means that you care for this child 24/7 and it is hard. It is the hardest job that there is in the whole world and if you can't do, don't sleep around with boys.
Parents of teens toss up their hands and declare, "we can't tell them no." Really? I think parents could if they are willing to wear their parent's pants. Do these children need cell phone, games consoles, and cars? NO. We are not here to be our children's friend. It is hard to make your children mad but God gave us children to teach them to be responsible adults. Our job is to protect them, tell them no and give them rules.
Is someone being responsible by letting the govt. provide food or housing for them? NO! So many problems of this world could be fixed if people would just learn how to keep their legs together. If you do not have the means to pay for a baby to be born in a hospital then don't participate in the practice of making babies.
I have been tossing a lot of law out in this post. I know that I have made many people mad and upset over this. To be honest, I have not said anything that you did not already know. Everyone that knows me knows that this is how I feel. I am not going to apologize for saying any of this.
Is there hope after teens having fallen into this behavior? Yes. Does our Father in Heaven still care for them? Yes. Has our Father in heaven poured out forgiveness to all sinners? Yes.
A sinner must first realize his sin and then repent of it. To learn of your sin is a hard thing. It breaks you down and makes you feel like crap. It causes sorrow to run through your body but it does not last. God loves us. God loves us more than his own Son. We sin and we deserve death. That is the bill handed to us. God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to pay that bill. We have done nothing to earn this but God have freely given it to us. We can rejoice in this forgiveness of sins.
If you desire to read any further on this topic I urge to read about the sixth commandment here.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Lately I have been getting more thing done around the house. Laundry has been folded and put away and the living room floor cleaned. The kids did some good work on their bedrooms over the past week.
We had a really wonderful unschooled day. I picked one topic as our jumping off of point. It was telephones. We all have them and we carry them around everywhere. We are also studding that time period of history when the telephone was invented so, it fit in with our normal school studies. The kids learned about Alexander Graham Bell, Scarlet fever, sound waves, and Greek root words. Wyatt has a reading lesson and Constence did her writing. Then I read from our novel we reading out loud and the older kids practiced composing compound sentences. We did out bible reading and they practiced piano and played outside. I was able to wash bedding, cook, and workout. I really do like homeschooling.
Thursday, February 04, 2010
another morning meal
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
More hen house breakfasts
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Hen house breakfast
Friday, January 29, 2010
Library day
The Rooster The Lonely Way by Hermann Sasse
The Hen (me) Emma by Jane Austin or Winter Solstice by Rosemunde Pilcher
Chick 1 (12 yr) The Lord of the Ring series
Chick 2 (10yr) the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series
Chick 3 (7yr) the Little House in the Parie series
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Another day
Our mind always play those tricks on us. We think that the world will be lovely. Our children will listen to us, I will get things done, my boys will not start wrestling in the middle of the store. You get my drift. Everything is always tainted. It does not sparkle and it is not nice. There is grime every where, dust, tears, pain, sadness, lack of sun......
This will only last for a little while. Our days in this life are short and we must think of what has been promised to us. In our baptised lives, we are promised a life without tears, without pain, without hunger, and all of the other discomforts of this life. Christ blood given for our sins is the love that our Father in Heaven has given us. We are only in this world for a little while but we are not of this world. The moment will come when we are taken to our Heavenly home and then we will have all the mysteries revealed to us.